Monday, October 13, 2008

Quickly, and regarding waiting . . .

because my battery is dying and I've got to go . . .

We enjoyed a relaxing weekend in Hot Springs last week and are thankful for the opportunity to attend a friend's wedding.

We had a great day at the annual Harvest Missions Festival in Bridgewater, SD. Renewing old friendships and making new.

We are in the great Northland for this week and will visit Ray, MN on Sunday.

Right now we plan on heading back west next week.

Thanks for praying for us and thanks for praying for those visas. We are learning that waiting is refreshing and soaring like eagles is exhilarating.

Regarding waiting: in a recent conversation, a close friend of mine asked if I was really believing some of the things I was writing . . . a good question. I will be the first to admit that my heart's cry has not always been in praise during these last few months. I haven't lifted up my hands in thanksgiving at every remembrance (or perhaps even at most remembrances) of our wait. Thanks for praying for us! We pray that our heart and spirit would be submitted to God whether He has us near or far . . . that we would learn in whatever situation we are under to be content and allow that situation to be an opportunity to worship. With a visa, without a visa . . . in mansions of glory, a camper on the prairie, a home in the woods or somewhere in between.

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