Some of you have experienced this phenomenon personally, we're about ready to dive in.
It couldn't come at a worse time for us concerning our development in language and ministry. We are on the doorstep of special things in Estância Velha concerning a church plant. We have seen God bless in establishing relationships with our neighbors and friends (neighbors in the broad sense of the word). There are many important steps that will be taken while we are in the United States. We will be sad to miss out on them. We have reached a level of relationship with several people that allow us to really begin to invest in their lives. Those relationships will have to be rebuilt when we return. Our family is breaking into a good routine for the first time in a year (since Carter joined the family last October). That´s going to be only slightly disrupted.
Needless to say, a lot of pieces need to fall into place in the next two months. Pray for us as we continue to pursue options regarding our household items that we will need to store in Brazil, the selling of our car or the wise investment of it in another area, transportation needs in the USA for ten months, housing needs in three different regions, scheduling of churches, and new contacts to be able to increase our support level. These things we are hashing out and thinking about almost on a daily basis now.
Thanks for praying for us. It looks like we have survived the harshest cold weather of the year and we are looking forward to a couple of months of warm spring weather in September and October.
Hon, you have once again expressed our hearts perfectly. Thank you for this ministry you have on behalf of our family...
I love you and thank God every day for the blessing He has given to me in you!
-your wifey :)
Thanks Babe! At least someone is reading! jk! I love you too!
Eu com certeza vou sentir saudades de vocês e das crianças, vocês se tornaram parte de nossa família, mas sei que Deus tem grandes planos para vocês nos Estados Unidos :) estou muito feliz por saber que vocês verão pessoas que amam novamente... e quando voltarem, estaremos esperando!
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