Thursday, September 25, 2008

Updated Link, Waiting, and Honey

An internet note: We welcomed hi speed internet to Dix, Nebraska yesterday. It is exciting and intimidating. I am downloading all kinds of things, ordering stuff and even signing up for Facebook thanks to the gentle prodding of my dear wife. Another online life to keep updated . . . yeah . . .

A business note: I updated the link for our mission board, Brazil Gospel Fellowship Mission, on the panel on the right. The website is in the process of being updated and improved thanks to the hard work of a member of our home office staff. Everything about our board, history, doctrine, core values, etc is available as well as profiles of BGFM missionaries who will be our coworkers and family in Brazil. Also, as the result of many requests, we now have the capability of accepting donations through the web page thanks to the services of Paypal. This might be a more simple means for some.

A waiting note: We continue on in the dark concerning the approval of our visas yet we know that we walk in the Light and He who is the Light has shone brightly in our hearts His good, sweet, and abundant grace. We continue on in Dix and are thankful for the spiritual hunger we are seeing in the hearts of some young people. The next three weeks look like this for us: Sunday the 28th we are planning to be in Maxwell, NE at First Baptist Church. Sunday the 5th we will be back in Dix where Al and Nadine (missionary coworkers) will be with us in the evening. October 9, 10, 11 in Hot Springs, SD and Sunday the 12th we plan on being in Bridgewater, SD. After that, we are still hoping to get to Brazil and praying about the contingencies to that plan.

A devotional note: I've been working my way through the Chronicles the last couple of weeks or so and this morning I read about Hezekiah's bitter sweet rule. He faithfully turned the heart of his people to God only to become lifted up in pride when God prospered his way and gave him peace. The Lord allowed him to be tested through the arrival of certain princes from Babylon toward the end of his life. Instead of praising God for how God had prospered his kingdom, Hezekiah gladly showed them all his wealth and sent them on their way. Reading in Psalm 32 with Denielle this morning we came accross this solemn warning; 'Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle . . .' and I thought of Hezekiah who needed to be led around even after a lifetime of seeing God prove Himself in wonderful ways. Even when Hezekiah was old he still needed the bit and bridle, he was still lacking in understanding.

We've been going through the Psalms with Spurgeon and if you still find yourself digesting all of these words, a few more might be a blessing to you. I've been so blessed by the grip Spurgeon has on grace and how we find it woven into everyday's devotion. Here is part of a paragraph from today: "Faith in God is the great charmer of life's cares, and he who possesses it dwells in an atmosphere of grace, surrounded with a bodyguard of mercies. May the Lord grant us at all times to believe in the mercy of God, even when we cannot see traces of its working, for to the believer, mercy is as all-surrounding as omniscience, and every thought and act of God is perfumed with it. The wicked have a hive of wasps around them; but we have a swarm of bees storing honey for us."

I love the last two sentances! Thanks for praying for us.

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