ElliAnna's many faces go on and on! We're blown away daily by the giant sized personality of this little girl! She's full of smiles and laughs and silliness. :) Lately we have noticed the beautiful "stars in her eyes" whenever her daddy comes around. He's her best friend. :)
Her most recent tricks - as of today - are to pull herself up to a standing position in her bed (much to her mother's grief, for now we must take out the bassinet part of the bed - that means a much lower reach to get her back into bed in the middle of the night - and it had better happen quick before she lands on the floor!), climb all over her parents when they're sitting on the couch (who needs a jungle gym when you have Mom and Dad?!?!), pull herself up by Mom's legs, have a snack of bananas with the new feeding toy from Grandma Johnson (she loves it!). . . but most of all she loves loves loves to play with Daddy - he makes her laugh like none other. :)
When she's excited, her arms and hands and feet still get going, but now she is also raising her eyebrows in anticipation, and she'll often give a great squeak of a giggle . Oh, and when she needs to get our attention because we've not talked to her for like 30 seconds or so, she'll give a polite, very cute, little cough/laugh/ahem noise. It makes us crack up. :)
She's learning not to throw a fit when she's getting her diaper changed, and also learning that when Mom and Dad say it's nap time, it's nap time. Really, the Lord alone knows all the amazing things she's learning about sights and sounds and colors - things that we take for granted!
Thank you for praying for us as we learn and grow in this new adventure of parenthood. Also keep praying for ElliAnna, that her heart would be shepherded to Jesus Christ and His great love for her, and that she would trust Him while she is young. Thank you. :)
Yep, she's pretty much the cutest thing!
i miss her!
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