Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Heavenly Father, Please Tell me What I Want." Part II

A quick update on our housing . . . by the way, the newspaper was sporting photos of snow up in the mountains this morning. In the higher elevations of Santa Catarina, the state just north of us, there was, in places, significant snowfall (ok, significant in Brazilian standards). We are huddled around the space heaters and drinking warm drinks. In a few minutes we will be out the door to Bible Study. These cold nights it gets difficult to think about going out after dark. We pray that the people will come.

Now, onto the housing situation. We went to the imobiliaria (realty office) last Friday and took a good look at an apartment here in town that we had seen earlier in the week. It has some real pluses (like a kitchen already furnished, an elevator because the apartment is on the fifth floor, a garage so that you don't have to park your car on the street or find another "box" to rent, and built in closets). We told the Realtor that we were interested and she said that the owner was coming to get the keys on Saturday to look at the apartment but she would bring them back on Monday. Monday came and we stopped in at the office as planned only the keys hadn't arrived yet. I let it sit a day and then called them this morning. Still no keys.

After lunch today the Realtor called me back. The owner doesn't want to rent it anymore.

Thinking about the lessons I mentioned in the previous post this news brought us great joy. We thought we wanted to go for it and God told us what we didn't want. However, we had made the mistake of mentally locating ourselves and all of our furniture in the apartment and were a little disappointed.

So it is back to the proverbial drawing board. Though now, time starts to become a factor as the weeks tick off the calendar. If you want to pray, pray that we will have wisdom to see all the angles, weigh all the factors, and make a wise decision.

"Heavenly Father, please tell us what we want."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We will continue to pray. I can just imagine how hard it was when you found out the man didn't want to rent anymore. Waiting is not easy.
We hope you can keep warm. Love, Lipkas