More pictures and info follow the jump.
If you are looking for the definition of abacaxi then look no further than our 1998 Black Chevy Vectra. It spent another weekend in the shop with yet another electrical problem and a $100 fuel pump that went bad. (Abacaxi = pineapple = lemon) It just so happened that I managed to kill the borrowed pickup right out in front of our house. Our neighbor came over and kindly observed that it might be better if I just walked . . .
An index to the random pictures on this post (top to bottom, left to right): (1) the guris at the gas station across the street catch some of the game today. (2) ElliAnna stays warm at breakfast with the help of her wool cap. (3) The decorations at the dinner for Dia dos Namorados were fun . . . (4) Otávio and Maria helped us organize the Dia dos Namorados dinner for couples in our church. Dia dos Namorados is Brazil´s version of Valentine´s Day. (5) Rafael and Edinette from Fortaleza came to visit, he looks pretty good in his gaúcho garb. (6) A sleeping toddler. (7) Putting the chocolate on the cheesecake for our banquet was an involved process. (8) Phil Stucky´s best impersonation of President Teddy Kennedy while he tried to read his poem with the gaúcho accent. This was also a Dia dos Namorados activity.
Sweet post, hon :) Love u :)
sorry but i'm going to have to say: elephant! elephant! elephant!
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