Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Brothers and Sisters

Just a quick note this afternoon . . . last night we celebrated birthdays at bible study. Second-birth birthdays that is. Two couples, four people, trusted Christ as their savior last night. Two of them have been attending the Bible Study for a long time and are members of the family in whose home the Bible Study started. The other two are brand new to our group. The wife had attended once before, her husband came for the first time. Pray for Luciano and Simone (as well as their son Yago), and Patricia and . . . (I cannot remember her husband's name). Incidentally, Patricia and her husband came because they were invited by Luciano and Simone.



Alisha said...


Jason and Sadie said...

Yep, been praying for them. :)

StandingTrue - James Steel said...

We love you guys. Keep up the good work!