Monday, September 28, 2009

Last Week...

Last Sunday (not yesterday, but the Sunday before...which would've been the 20th?) our family, Phil and Rachel, Pastor Fabio (from the Campo Bom church where we are attending), Pastor Roberto and his family (also from the Campo Bom church), and 2 other families met for churrasco and a meeting. These first two pictures show Vilmar, our host, at the churrasqueira - caring for the delicious things roasting inside....

(beef, chicken hearts, smoke provolone...)

Here's a few of us - visiting, smelling churrasco... :)

and another one of the same kind...

This room, by the way, is where the Bible Study here in our town of Estancia Velha is being held. Currently, there are about 25 people attending each week, not including the 5-7 children also present. Please be in much prayer for this group - it is growing and people are eager to hear the Word. There are many needs present ~broken relationships, broken hearts ~ and Christ is sufficient for all of them. A number of these folks are not yet saved!
We are truly excited to be a part of this group and minister alongside of the others on the team! What a blessing to work and grow with them!

ElliAnna had some fun sunbathing :) She was secretly wishing she could swim in the pool ~ but it was too cold. :)

During Bible Study (Wednesday evenings), Rachel and Sirlei (pictured) lead the children's service. I (Denielle) will be beginning to help with the music soon...and gradually will ease into more aspects which involve more speaking. :)
ElliAnna has been doing a good job sitting and listening for most of the lesson time. Afterwards, she loves to play with toys and color with the big kids at the table.

It's been raining raining raining (chovendo muito!) these days ~ but we were blessed with a good warm sunny couple this past weekend. Perfect time for walks amidst the cars and flowers. We have a very cool walking path in the middle of the highway (I'm not being sarcastic, it really is cool :)) and we're enjoying putting it to use. Right at about the 3/4 mark of the return trip, ElliAnna gets bored of riding in her stroller and asks, "Out?". But then she's not content to walk alongside of us, but she needs to push the stroller too. It's a nice leisurely walk back to the house. :)

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