Here are my four cents into the "monumental" events of the last week. Part of this I must admit is reactionary, all of it I trust is biblical. If you are totally bored and uninterested in politics then I suggest you quit reading now. Otherwise, let me know what you think by leaving your comments at the bottom.
1. This wasn't the most important election of all time. Every election year that rolls around all parties involved seek to scrounge up as much support as possible by warning their loyalists that there has never been an election in history as important as this one. While I would say that every election is important, I do not agree that this election was the most important ever. In my uneducated and off the cuff guess, go back 150, 100, 60 or even 30 years and we will probably find elections equally as important with as much on the line as the one we have just recently completed.
The point is that every generation faces the same challenges because mankind continues to sulk in the same old soup of self indulgence and self gratification creating the same old problems and warn out solutions couched in new terminology or represented by a new and flashy face. Rather than getting caught up in which solution that is guaranteed to fail that we want to support, why don't we offer people something that can truly change their circumstances by transforming their heart?
2. The United States of America is not God's gift to mankind. Israel is. The United States of America holds no key to the fulfillment of God's promises or the establishing of His kingdom. The cause of Christ does not rise and fall with our elected officials. So relax, God wasn't dealt a blow and He wont have to work harder next time to make sure it doesn't happen again. While I certainly do believe that we should be praying for our leaders, that prayer should be like we might pray for the leaders of any nation of the earth, whether that is Belarus, Uganda, Indonesia, or Peru. We ought first to be praying that someone close to them might be able to present the gospel to them and secondly we ought to be praying that we might be blessed to worship freely and live our lives in peace.
3. All of us who have been washed in the blood of the lamb are strangers and pilgrims in whatever country we live and citizens of the heavenly country. Therefore we should not ride the emotional roller coaster that is the nature of all elections and their analyzers. I wonder where we place our confidence when our countenance and disposition are so drastically altered based on who or what wins in a certain election. We believe that God, just as He said in His Word, sets up and tears down "kings." Furthermore, those kings and their kingdoms are less than a drop in the bucket when compared to the greatness of God's power. And again, God is accomplishing the glory of Jesus Christ by orchestrating, directing and shaping the course of humanity. We are moving toward a glorious day when Christ Himself will sit upon the throne of the earth. When injustice will no longer go unreconciled and righteousness will rule in the hearts of every man. Therefore I can witness the course of human history as it plays out before me every day and recognize that God is accomplishing His purpose. He will do so regardless of whomever holds power in any branch of office in any nation on the earth.
4. I heard today someone say, "Well God answered one prayer when that proposition to define marriage was passed [in a western state]." Not only did He answered that particular prayer, He answered every particular prayer. Unfortunately, a proposition of far greater importance failed to pass that could have been the start of something truly special when an abortion ban failed to garner 50% support. But these things did not take God by surprise. For sure, we must be diligent to fight for righteousness and godliness in the public square. But it would be of such greater value to invest in winning the war rather than winning a battle here and there. Wouldn't we be better served to see God's Word change the hearts of our country men than to spend all of our time and treasure fighting for legislation that may or may not be passed. Then if it does pass will face no end of challenge and a ever continuing fight just to ensure it's safe keeping. In light of all this, as we see the day of redemption drawing nearer, when our joy will be complete and we will see the Savior face to face, we must forebear to bring as many people with us into that heavenly citizenship as we possibly can. God has given us complete freedom to invite as many people as we choose.
May I be diligent to see all those whom I rub shoulders with have an opportunity to know Jesus Christ as I know him.
So, to most of the people who have taken the time to read what a I write, this is nothing new and of no great consequence. If that is you, then leave me your thoughts. For others however, be encouraged, be challenged and keep your heart steadfast on the Rock of your Salvation and do not let your spirit be discouraged by the changing currents of mankind's fickle existence.
(If you read this post hoping for updated photos of our baby, let not your heart be troubled, they will be posted soon!)
Here, here! It is easy to get caught up in the hype! I enjoyed reading your thoughts. It was very nice to spend time with you all when you were in Hot Springs! Sheri
Thanks for the reminder Jon. It is very difficult not to get emotional at the outcome of the election and I needed to be reminded of what you wrote here. Keep these updates and blogs coming. God bless you and your family.
I that enough of a comment? =) And, as for answered prayer, I know that He will answer our prayer for you soon to make it to Brazil! I must admit, as far as the elections go, it sure has been nice to be down here and away from all the 'fuss' that has been a part of it.
Waddaya mean the United States aint God's gift to the world?! Of course we are… just like Nebraska is God's gift to the United States.
Poor humor… good thoughts.
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