Friday, June 13, 2008

Visa Tales

As of today we are planning on heading to Chicago on Monday to apply for our visas. I've often heard missionaries ask for prayer regarding this issue and I am beginning to understand why. I realize that whenever we deal with more than one government things can get a little crazy so some headache is expected. I've spent most of this day researching various requirements, etc. for the visa and found that the Chicago consulate is the least helpful of all consulates and that there is a surprising amount of variety on what is required whether you are applying in Boston, Miami, LA or DC (just to name a few). Thankfully, Chicago's website has vary little listed as to what they require so we will put together everything as best we can and rejoice in the opportunity to see God meet our needs. What a privilege this trip presents, one present ourselves as ambassadors of Jesus Christ.

We would appreciate your prayers for us as we go. Pray for these specific things:
a- pray that we would have all of the documents we need in sufficient quantities so that we do not have to make this trip more than once.
b- pray that the visas would be approved in a timely manner. (Timely to us would be within the period of a day or two though timely to God might mean something else.)

Sunday we head up to Ray, MN to fellowship with the believers at Northwoods Bible Church. We look forward to a wonderful day of fellowship with them.

ElliAnna continues to grow and amaze us every day. She learns new little tricks all the time, like how much fun it is to growl like a dog at a toe or her toes. Or, how much fun it is to giggle and laugh when someone else is laughing or tickling. She will be sitting up on her own in no time.

I am rejoicing in my salvation today and praise God that in this changing and uncertain world, He abides faithful and true. We are thankful to for wonderful times we've gotten to spend with friends and family over the past two weeks. It was a special treat to see Martin and Melissa Hauch, Nicholas, Rachel and Rebecca on Sunday in Hot Springs.

Thanks for praying!

(PS- we will add fresh pictures of life events as soon as we locate our camera).

1 comment:

7harts01 said...

We will be praying that your travels are safe, that you have everything that you need and that it all goes through quickly!
It was really good to see you guys, and as always, I'm sorry that we didn't get to spend more time together!
Talk to you soon! Love ya much!