So, we are a day late in getting this "Leap Day" post put up. I suppose that we are still reaping the "consequences" of leap day, even on this first day of March because if yesterday wasn't the 29th of February today would be the 2nd of March and that would probably change a whole bunch of things. (profound?)
I heard a news report yesterday about how people plan to use the extra day they get this year. The majority of people polled said that they planned to use their extra time organizing their lives . . . online; going through their in box, answering emails, posting on facebook, etc. Although most everyone polled said that if they did have more time in their lives they would spend it with family and friends, in person and not on some internet chat group. Yet, when they are given an extra day, and we could challenge that premise, the biggest goal the majority has is to get things organized online. This sounds like a conversation I had with my sister Sadie not too many days ago.
I'm sure you've arrived at the lesson we could extract from this excursion into the American mind. Why wrap up so much of our lives in empty and meaningless pursuits when things of eternal value await us? (I'm speaking to myself here.) Really, what significance is there to a neat and tidy in box when Christ has offered himself to redeem mankind? Shouldn't I therefore consume myself with abiding in Him so that He can bear much fruit in my life? - Check out John 15.
So much for the devotion. I realize that people are easily weary with much verbiage and quickly pass over paragraphs of letters in favor of bullet points and pictures. So, for those of you still reading this, here is a short update on the last couple of weeks and a quick look ahead.
Feb 6-10- we participated in the Missions Conf. at our church here in N. Minn
Feb. 17- Jon enjoyed the privilege of filling the pulpit for our Pastor here in N. Minnesota.
February 19-25 we took ElliAnna for her first road trip and enjoyed the Bible Conference at Cornerstone Bible Institute. (Pastor Tim Noris spoke on Colossians and John 15) ElliAnna got to meat her five cousins, and two more Aunts.
March 9th we will share at Northwoods Bible Church in Ray, Minnesota
March 16th is pending to be at Boy River Log Chapel in Boy River, MN
March 24th??-30th we will attend our mission board's annual meeting and banquet in Springfield, IL. We will be taking a van full of things to ship to Brazil. Hopefully we can visit three or four churches and lots of friends and supporters while we are there.
April 3 and 4 we hope to be back in Hot Springs for a Ladies Retreat and then perhaps take a trip to Kansas, Nebraska before being back in Hot Springs during the last weekend of the month for a Men's Retreat.
We are hoping to get to all of the churches we have been at for another visit. We look at this with some fear and trepidation at taking a young baby out on the road- and still make our plans with an asterisk.
Traveling with a baby takes longer yes but it's not that much more difficult. In some states you can still drive while Deni is nursing so that will even help with how long it takes to go places. You guys will do fine :-) Praying for you!!
Thought I would say hi and that it is awesome being able to read up and see all that God is doing in your lives. Sorry i haven't written to you in a while. Praying for you. -Mark Stucky
That really was an encouraging post. Thank you. We so easily forget the important things that matter in life as Christians.
You will do great with ElliAnna traveling. Just remember, if something doesn't go as planned 'this too shall pass'. The first travel with a new baby is always nerve racking. I'll be praying for you all.
Thanks for that! It was a good reminder even if I didn't read it in time for Leap Year Day. (FYI - we went to the Plunge and I updated nothing on the computer) Can't wait to see you at the Ladies Retreat...the last one I went to Jesse was 2 weeks old=) Have fun with Elli!
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